Two Face. Two Faced. Two Faces.
I was going to approach this blog post from the perspective of Gotham's characters having two faces or more accurately being two faced.
However, not everyone was "two faced" in other words, disingenuous. Some remained true to themselves and who they are as characters on this show.
Take Bruce for example. (Seen here channeling Aquaman.) He remained true to himself by continuing his dogged (batty?) pursuit for challenging himself. Selina thought he was absolutely nuts. She called him out on his privileged background and warned him that no one fights with gloves on in the street. (Note to Selina, Batman wears gloves.)
For her part, Selina revealed a side of herself that she takes great pains to hide. Her capacity for being surprised. When she found out she was going to Wayne Manor she was stunned. So much for the street smarts. She's already been to Wayne Manor and she's been a keen observer of Bruce. But to go there and hang out. That shocked her.
That doesn't make her "two faced." It just revealed a side of herself that she wasn't too familiar with. She's vulnerable.
It was that vulnerability that led her to chastise Bruce by the pool. She didn't like to see it in herself and it bothered her to see it in Bruce. It was a seminal moment for the future Batman. Selina was harsh but she felt Bruce needed to know you can't survive on the street without displaying a little anger and supplement it with a dash of ruthlessness.
Who'd a thunk that it took a meeting between two twelve year olds that would form the persona of a future superhero. It also laid the cornerstone between the offtimes adversaries and lovers.
Also not two faced.
The Penguin. Still a schemer, still a rat.
Oswald played true to form by leveraging an alliance with Liza. Okay, he blackmails her but that's still true to form for him.
Let's get to the real two face, Harvey Dent.
What the heck was this?
So that's the way "Gotham" wants to play it. Harvey is already a little nuts just beneath the surface.
We're used to seeing the early Harvey as straight laced and driven. Yes, he's always had his own "dogged pursuit" of justice but I don't think we've ever seen him as a lunatic waiting to be unleashed. The Harvey we know was turned because he suffered a traumatic event. This guy is halfway there. Oh, I get it, halfway.
That's fine. "Gotham" did say they were going to experiment a little with the characters. We'll see how this goes.
That wide eyed look of his reminded me a little of the Joker. A little too close perhaps.
Speaking of the Clown Prince of Crime, I think we got a couple of tangential references to the Joker.
Remember when the Joker set a pile of cash afire during The Dark Knight? (GIF courtesy of We saw something similiar in this episode.
I thought of it right away. One can't be a Batman fan and see burning cash and not think of the Joker.
Any other Joker clues?
Sure. There was the "Smile" graffiti on the cityscape that quickly panned by our sleepy eyes. (Well, I was a little sleepy.) The Joker is known for his infamous smile. Something that was featured in the Tim Burton Batman movie. Who could forget "Smylex" and "Love that Joker!"
Let's get back to our two face theme.
How about these two faces?
Barbara Kean sure is weak isn't she? At least Renee Montoya is honest with herself and what she wants. I suppose this opens the door for more relationships for Jim Gordon.
Sarah Essen is waiting in the wings and perhaps Dr. Leslie Thompkins when she appears later on in the season. But where do they go with Barbara from here? Do we really need her aside from being some plot device? "Gotham" may have painted themselves in a corner with this character.
Selina was trying to intimidate Bruce during the episode when she was teasing him with a kiss. She was trying to throw him off guard a little and retain the high ground. But if we look at the future couple pictured above I guess they end up a little two faced after all.
Notice the masks or rather two faces.
Bruce and Selina don't cavort too much publicly in the future. But throw on the masks and their true selves come out.
Maybe being two faced isn't so bad after all.
He is the former lawyer turned deranged criminal and gangster enemy of Batman in Gotham City.
ReplyDeleteAtty. Harvey Dent former lawyer turned deranged criminal and gangster enemy of Batman in Gotham City.
ReplyDeleteHarvey Dent member of the Batman's Rogues Gallery in Gotham City. or😎😍🤗🙂😉😘😃😄😀😁🤓😊🇺🇸🗼🗾🎭⭐😇😋🏯🇵🇭🇯🇵🇺🇸
ReplyDeleteThe Croc Bane Clayface & Lazara newest member of the Rogues Gallery.
ReplyDeleteRas Al Ghul a Muslim criminal and gangster who created the Lazarus Pit the rejuvenating lava to revive the undead peop!e into supersoldiers.
ReplyDeleteLazara she is the estranged wife of Mr Freeze was kidnapped by Dr Ras Al Ghul & transformed into a supervillainess.