By now many of you have seen the new trailer, or should I say trailers, since Ben Affleck had one of his own and we even had a Batman "unmasked" teaser. Also by now you've read many of the myriad recaps and in-depth dissertations as to what these trailers reveal.
So we're done right?
Not by a long shot!
As I combed through all the recaps across the net I noticed they didn't pick out some of things I did and in fact, left out some doozies I thought were quite salient. (I'm not patting myself on the back. Just sayin' is all.)
So let's take a look at some of the things I thought were important and some general observations.
The Hand
Jesse Eisenberg's Luthor goes through a lot of gesticulation in this trailer. Too much say some. A lot of complaints on the internet of Eisenberg's performance is that he is too much like The Joker. What is he, a "Joker Lite"? Too manic!
Amidst all this hand waving I thought I picked out something important. A bandage on his right hand.
This bandage doesn't appear until much later in the trailer and if my spidey senses prove correct it could prove quite significant. I'm also of the thinking if it wasn't of importance the wouldn't have shown it.
They showed it.
So what is the significance of the bandaged hand? Well, it could prove to be the entry point of some sort of Kryptonian infection. Especially since Luthor was seen marveling at a piece of krypotonite in the first trailer. This infection may lead to his hair falling out as seen above or that could simply be do to radiation exposure from the rock.
Could it be something more sinister?
The Device
Please observe that bizarre looking sculpture as Affleck's Bruce Wayne drives up to the Luthor reception party. It looks like a mass of discordant twisted tendrils. (Silver twisty shape center of picture.)
Anything else like that in the trailer?
Indeed. Take a close look at the "Trans mutative Kryptonian biological matrix device" that is throwing geysers of electricity across the room. (And, yes, I just made up that device name.)
I see similar tendrils amidst the bolts of lightening and I have no doubt this is the device that brings the resurrected General Zod to life as Doomsday.
I'm thinking someone with the out-sized ego such as Lex Luthor would actually put a sculpture image of his greatest invention on the front lawn and no one would be the wiser.
The kicker? (Here's where the bandage ties in.)
As Luthor begins to reanimate Zod into what we know as Doomsday a drop of blood escapes Luthor's hand and gets instilled into the matrix.
Doomsday is also part Luthor.
Too crazy for you? Hey, it's a comic book movie. Run with me here!
Of Gods and Men
Superman is often compared to a god or at the very least possesses god-like powers. In this particular trailer we hear these comparisons from not only Lex Luthor but Bruce Wayne too.
I thought it telling we see Greek mythological iconography muraled on the walls of Luthor's reception.
In keeping with this theme we see this iconography right behind Clark's head. Both a man and a god.
I also have no doubt Luthor thinks of himself as a god among men or at least a slayer of gods or beasts much like the Athenian heroes before him. (Hmm, Athens, a Wonder Woman tie in?)
Nothing earth shattering here I just like the work from Snyder and his set design people.
The Empty Chair
Here's a closeup of the Caped Crusader in the Bat-plane (Bat-wing?) as he bores in on Superman in what looks to be an epic air to air battle. Tracers ring off the Man of Steel and in a moment, Big Blue looks to be firing up his heat vision.
Batman is set aglow in fiery orange as he is about to be incinerated by the aforementioned heat vision.
Actually, the way the trailer is edited, it looks to be Doomsday that is about to deep fry Batman. Only the timely intervention of Wonder Woman and her shield saves the day. (Although I would think Batman would have been immolated in the resulting fireball that is also in the trailer but I think we've run into more clever editing here.)
So what did I notice out of all this?
See that canister to the left of Batman's head in the "Glow" picture? In the "in-flight" picture it is to the right of Batman's head. (As we face him.)
Switching seats Batman? Did you move from the Batmobile to the Batplane and we have more clever editing? Why a two-seater? Same old equipment from the time of the now dead Robin? Saving the seat for a future Robin? Jenna Malone is purportedly to be in the movie. Is she the Carrie Kelly Robin that will fill that seat?
Quick Fan Boy Scenario
At the end of the movie or in a post credit scene an exhausted Batman sits slumped in the Batcave. Suddenly the (newly repaired) Batmobile appears, the doors spring open and out pops an ebullient Kelly. "Aw, who needs a hug?" she teases. To her shock and amazement she gets that hug. Life has returned to the Batman.
Armored Up Batman
Excellent shot of the Crusader of Steel. What else is intriguing about this shot?
Note the graffiti on the wall behind Batman.
We saw graffiti much like this in the first trailer and as seen in the above photo. One could easily posit that these scenes take place in Gotham City as it is often portrayed gritty, foul and unforgiving.
So where is the "gun" or "staff" that Batman is holding in the misty blue above?
It looks to be a gun (with kryptonite bullet?) in the above frame but Batman seems to be out of armor here.
The homage to Robin (replete with graffiti) stands with a staff before the remorseful Bruce Wayne.
Staff? Gun? What is it? Why isn't in the second trailer? It seems we get a good deal of fighting in Gotham City. In fact, according to this movie Gotham and Metropolis are in close proximity to each other. Something I never imagined from the comics. Is the Gun/Staff the reason Batman is able to put such a beat down on Superman?
I for one want to see how much of the fight Superman brings to Batman on his home turf. If Batman is as resourceful here as we think he is then bringing him to Gotham means he has the advantage. Let's hope we see the staff or gun that used to be heavily hinted at.
Gloomy Gotham
Aside from a masked vigilante that roams the streets of Gotham, maiming his victims, it doesn't seem to be a very nice place to live. Check out the sidebars in the above newspaper. "Funding cuts to water board." "Air, new safety regulations." And the partial at the very top, "Labor" and "Struggles."
I have a feeling that Gotham has one of those population counters on the sign as you leave the city. Except it is always counting down.
"Stay Down!"
"If I wanted it, you'd be dead all ready."
Batman doesn't seem to be doing too well in this scenario. The upside? He's definitely in Superman's head. Superman had already killed Zod and that nearly crushed him. Killing or at least threatening to kill a "lesser being" means he's really off his game. That's the opening Batman is looking for.
Wayne already observed to Alfred in this trailer that Superman had "brought the war to us." Which would be a nightmare of course.
Soooo, in keeping with that....
The Dream Sequence
Not a fan.
The above scene has been spoiled as a dream sequence. That's too bad. I was hoping Superman had been turned by Luthor by use of Red Kryptonite. Or even better, converted to a Bizarro Superman complete with fascist acolytes.
The frame also shows "Parademons" which are minions of Darkseid. So, purportedly, this is a dream sequence where evil Superman lords over the Earth as a disciple of the aforementioned Darkseid.
Odd that the "Super-Nazis" are outside the walled compound spilling from trucks above while the parademaons seem to be coming from the compound. A helicopter also seems to be coming from the compound doing battle with the demons. Hard to tell who are the good guys here. Is the walled compound the last vestige of the good people or Earth or a base for Darkseid? (Hmm, maybe this view is from inside the compound.)
Was Batman granted a look into the future or is he becoming so unstable this is what his sub-conscious has come up with? Hard to believe he would know anything about Parademons let alone Darkseid. Has Wonder Woman seen the future through an Oracle? Will magic be introduced? Justice League Dark? Zatanna?
Now that would be awesome.
"Here's a look at the "Unmasking" teaser part of the Nightmare" scenario.
I do love the way Superman looks at the empty mask. As if it just a symbol of an empty man.
Rebuilding Metropolis
Seen above is the homage to Superman from the grateful people of Metropolis. Note the cranes and derricks working in the background to repair the obliteration done by Zod and Superman.
Memorials are often constructed with the pieces of the destruction in order to add emotional weight. (I say memorial because we see a lot of flowers etc. laid at the base of this structure.) I found the oval shape behind the Superman figure to be a little odd. Is it seen elsewhere in the trailer?
Yes, that odd oval shape is now seen in the background of the statue bracketed by bolts of lightning.
This, no doubt, is where Luthor is creating Doomsday. (The lightning bolts are the giveaway.) So this means it is a Luthor facility. Even his buildings must have suffered some damage.
The significance of this?
I have no doubt Luthor paid for the Superman tribute/memorial. Here Luthor is playing the long game. What better way to tear down a figure than to build him up first.
All part of the plan.
One Last Word
The name of the movie, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." What if it turns out to be Gal Gadot's movie?
Seriously, her portrayal of Wonder Woman looks pretty astounding. It's safe to say she's embraced the role. What if she steals the show?
Oh, and the gun Batman is holding in the above frame? Not the same thing as the first trailer one. If it is a gun. (Destiny Spear?) Many have criticized Batman for having a gun at all. What happened to the no gun rule?
No doubt Batman comes up with a weapon for all occasions. If it comes in the shape of a gun to stop Superman then so be it. Kill Superman is another thing all together. Additionally, the Batwing sure is packed with a lot of firepower. Perhaps this aged more bitter Batman (can Batman really get more bitter?) has changed. Snyder tweaked Superman and he may well do the same to the Caped Crusader.
Can't wait to see the Twitter firestorm on that one.
Well, that's a wrap. Here's the "special" trailer that Affleck introduced for Good Morning America.