Showing posts with label Batman and Robin #18. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batman and Robin #18. Show all posts

Monday, April 1, 2013

Batman & Robin 18: The 5 Stages of Grief

As promised in my last blog post I've decided to take a look at the bereavement period for Batman following the stunning events of Batman Incorporated #8 where the Damien Wayne Robin dies.  I feel this is a singular event in the annals of Batman comics because it provides us with an in depth look at one of DC comics most iconic heroes and how he handles a death so close to his heart.

Not just any death, like the death of an adopted Robin such as Jason Todd, but the death of Batman's biological son.  A young boy of ten whose issues and shortcomings were well known to all the readers and provided Batman with much angst. A Robin whose foibles made him all that much more human to us all and gave Batman a true son.

Peter Tomasi, who has authored the series of Batman and Robin comics, has stated that he will follow Batman in the Five Stages of Grief, as originally delineated by Elizabeth Kubler Ross and David Kessler, by examining each stage in the pages of the Batman and Robin issues starting with Batman  and Robin #19.  You can read that very informative article here.

I thought I might take a closer look this bereavement period and the 5 stages of grief and see how much they apply to a single issue, Batman and Robin #18.  Tomasi, with artist Pat Gleason has authored an extraordinary work of art and it is a must read for all fans of Batman. 

First of all let's tkae a look at the Five Stages of Grief.

  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining 
  • Depression
  • Acceptance

Denial:  "Denial is usually only a temporary defense for the individual. This feeling is generally replaced with heightened awareness of possessions and individuals that will be left behind after death. Denial can be conscious or unconscious refusal to accept facts, information, or the reality of the situation. Denial is a defense mechanism and some people can become locked in this stage."

In this wordless issue Batman first exhibits the signs of denial by the covering and disposal of the family portrait.  With grim visage Batman takes a last look at Damien before he drapes the face of Damien and carries off the portrait for storage.  Batman can't bear to look at Damien and the setting of Batman with his other Robins is too much to deal with.  Covering Damien's face is both a symbolic and literal act.  The drape acts as a death shroud adding a finality to Damiens passing but the storage of the painting dismisses this finality by keeping this act temporary.  For Batman it's better to remove the obvious reminders of Damien so he doesn't have to deal with pain of his passing.

Anger"Once in the second stage, the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue. Because of anger, the person is very difficult to care for due to misplaced feelings of rage and envy. Anger can manifest itself in different ways. People can be angry with themselves, or with others, and especially those who are close to them. It is important to remain detached and nonjudgmental when dealing with a person experiencing anger from grief."

No doubt it would be difficult to remain "detached and nonjudgmental" in a world populated by Batman.  The Caped Crusader goes into an utter rage over the loss of Robin and at the end of the issue he lashes out at the loss of Damien by smashing the his locker and tossing the lifeless garments across the floor.

 Batman exhibits the classic signs of anger when he vents his pain at the empty accoutrements.  How Could Robin leave him?  Why isn't he here and by his side?

Bargaining :  The third stage involves the hope that the individual can somehow postpone or delay death. Usually, the negotiation for an extended life is made with a higher power in exchange for a reformed lifestyle. Psychologically, the individual is saying, "I understand I will die, but if I could just do something to buy more time..." People facing less serious trauma can bargain or seek to negotiate a compromise. For example "Can we still be friends?.." when facing a break-up. Bargaining rarely provides a sustainable solution, especially if it's a matter of life or death. Not much noted, but common, bargaining can also include guilt, including survivors guilt.

How does someone bargain with the death of a loved one after they have passed?  By rewinding the memories of that loved one over and over.  That way, the person that still lives, in this case Batman, can handle their survivors guilt by imagining that their loved one is still with them. 

The series of panels that depict Batman descending to the Batcave  is most poignant in this regard.  Riding the Batpoles is something Batman has done a thousand times and with Damien hundred and hundreds of times.  It may have been something that he took for granted in the past but now it is a cherished memory.  The sheer repetition of events keeps Damien alive to Bruce, only the thud of the end of the descent brings Batman back to the reality of Damien's absence.  Better to live the bargain of better memories than deal with the void left by death.

Depression: During the fourth stage, the dying person begins to understand the certainty of death. Because of this, the individual may become silent, refuse visitors and spend much of the time crying and grieving. This process allows the dying person to disconnect from things of love and affection. It is not recommended to attempt to cheer up an individual who is in this stage. It is an important time for grieving that must be processed. Depression could be referred to as the dress rehearsal for the 'aftermath'. It is a kind of acceptance with emotional attachment. It's natural to feel sadness, regret, fear, and uncertainty when going through this stage. Feeling those emotions shows that the person has begun to accept the situation.

Does Batman get depressed?  Heck, isn't he always depressed? Batman carries the weight of his parent's loss heavily on his shoulders.  Instead of being consumed by it, he uses that sorrow as a point of strength.  Instead of turning inward he lashes outward, especially against those who would do harm against the innocent.

Things could be different this time.  This is one of the aspects of grief I hope Tomasi and Gleason really get to explore.  In the above illustration, Batman returns to the Cave to wash away the stains of a grim night.  In a way this could be seen as a form of denial.  Letting the pain roll off you without having to deal with it.  I see this image differently however.  Batman's head is bowed, his shoulder slumped in sad resignation.  The picture is mostly in black and white as if to accent the starkness of Batman's plight.  Only the red of blood marks Batman.  The pain and loss that infuses that blood is a lot more difficult to wash away.

Acceptance:   "In this last stage, individuals begin to come to terms with their mortality, or that of a loved one, or other tragic event. This stage varies according to the person's situation. People dying can enter this stage a long time before the people they leave behind, who must pass through their own individual stages of dealing with the grief."

Peter Tomasi and Pat Gleason end their wordless masterwork with an image of Batman clutching the empty garments of the now dead Robin.  Bruce had strewn the accoutrements of Damien in a fit of rage but he now mournfully embraces them.  See how his anguished face presses up against the shoulder of the uniform as if Damien was still within.  His left hand holds out the mask of Robin as if waiting for him to fill it again.  By purposely showing us this, Gleason demonstrates the nature of Robins life. The duality of being a ten year old and the guise of being a crime fighter and the heavy responsibility it carries.  Displaying the mask adds emotional heft to an already grief stricken tableau.

We also see Damien's Batarangs buried into the surface of the floor.  Even after death they find their mark with purpose.  To the left lie the empty gauntlets that can no longer throw a punch with anger.  To the right stand the empty boots that will no longer trod the face of this earth with Damien in them.  Very large shoes to fill indeed.

Damien's Robin badge sits detached near Batman's legs as if has been stripped of ownership now that Robin has passed.  It now waits for someone else to fill that role.  Someone deserving.

The most poignant thing about this image is how Bruce has dropped to his knees to embrace the now empty uniform.  How else would you lovingly hold your child? 

I eagerly await Batman and "Robin" number 19.  Tomasi has said he plans to explore the five stages of grief in each successive issue.  What I attempted to do here was divine his approach to that series and suss out the clues in a single issue.  I think Tomasi and Gleason have just scratched the surface of the depth of their storytelling.  There is fertile ground ahead.  Hallowed ground where one one soldier gave his last measure of devotion.

(Each "Stage of Grief" comes courtesy of Wikipedia.)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Robin: A Requiem? Updated!


I was contacted by via Twitter recently and they alerted me to an article they did with Peter Tomasi.   The article allays some of my fears that the Batman family of books will quickly abandon the grieving period for Batman.  Instead, DC and Tomasi plan to pursue his bereavement is a series of re-titled Batman & Robin books.  I'm glad to hear this as this is a period in Batman's life that should go fully explored.  You can read Newsarama's article with Peter Tomasi and the link.

It seems that DC comics is sincere in it's sympathy for the now departed Damien Wayne Robin.  With each passing issues of the Batman comics we get a full page spread of the "Requiem" homage to Robin signifying its importance to the Batman family comics.  (As seen above.)

What troubles me is the recent announcement of the new story arc "Batman: Zero Year" that is to commence this coming June.

Are we done grieving Damien yet?

Is Batman done?

Zero Year promises a new look at the Batman origin story and my first impulse was to emit a low groan.  "Not again" I thought to myself.  I suppose these things are inevitable.  With each passing generation of writers we get an even faster rate of readers that pass from one epoch to another.  It is beyond temptation for the Comics industry to remain static and the urge to attract new readership is of economic importance and urgency.  Plus, the combined artists get to flex their collective (Bat) wings and tinker with the well worn tales.

Still, with the death of  Robin there is much unexplored depth here.  As the DC announcement states, the issue of Batman #21 starts the "Zero Year" arc so that means we get at least three precious issue in which to plumb the depths of Batman's grief.

How long has Batman been grieving the loss of his parents?  The answer would be his entire life.  In fact it his life's work.  Are we to see the grief over the loss of his son in a mere three issues before it disappears into the rewriting of history?  I have yet to see a solicitation for Batman and Robin #21 for this coming June.  So perhaps they have something special in store for us.  Either that or it has been suspended pending the outcome of the Zero Year events.  That would be a tragedy.

DC would be missing a golden opportunity if it dismisses the death of Robin in one short season.  I'd really like them to examine Batman's anguish throughout the Spring and Summer and perhaps into the Fall.  That way we'd get at least 9 or 10 issues in which explore the breadth of Batman's sorrow.

We could see how his relationship with Alfred is affected.  Perhaps the duties and leadership that Batman brings to the Justice League would be drastically altered.  Who's arms would he fall into for solace?  Would he seek out Selina Kyle or push her away only to embrace some disposable new love and then toss it away.  What of the former Robins?  Should one of them return to the Manse to fill the void and provide a steadying influence?  Or, would Batman push them aside also and work through his grief in utter isolation.

There should be some awfully large shoes to fill in the wake of Damien's passing but as readers of Batman #18 already know the tryouts have literally begun.

I implore DC Comics and the writers of Batman to exercise some patience.  Let the readers share their grief alongside the Caped Crusader.  What's the rush?  Don't be so dismissive of this fertile and sacrosanct ground.  No doubt Damien will be in the heart of Batman for a long time to come much as his parents are.  I would just like to see it played out for a greater time.

Next up, Batman and Robin #18 and the Five Stages of Grief